This campaign was a collaboration with two art directors and myself as a copywriter. The focus was to bring a new view to BAND-AID as a brand. During this collaboration, we decided to go with darker visuals with a focus on the athlete of choice for each advertisement. The voice was more serious in tone, simmering with stories and motivation to draw the attention of the target audience. Within the campaign, there are multiple athletes and their stories of hardships they had to persevere through to become the best in their sport, whether it is through extreme sports, basketball, or dance. Everyone has their own story, and with this idea, we wanted to bring the attention of this to others and how BAND-AIDs aren’t only for cuts and scrapes, but also to symbolize the hardships one goes through. This campaign had a product launch of new BAND-AIDs as well as an in store launch with advertisements to promote the brand and their new direction in our project.

Key Message: To symbolize everyone’s journey.

Tagline: Wear your journey.

Target Audience: These individuals range in age from 15-25 and tend to live in metropolitan areas. They are very active socially as well as physically and have passions for different sports. They also have a strong drive to reach their goals and understand the value of hard work

Insight: Band-aid's have been a part of skate style for decades, they wear them as statement pieces to show the journey they have been on to get to their success. Skaters, Rappers, and X-sports athletes wear them as a part of their style, to commemorate the failures and challenges that have led them to their success.

Role: Copywriter and concept generator for the campaign.


Tiffany & Co.

